Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Roni Size Reprazent "New Forms", Breakbeat Era "Ultra Obscene", John B "Redox Catalyst Reprocessed", DJ Dara "Rinsimus Maximus"


Roni Size Reprazent - New Forms
Year: 1997

1.Railing [2:04]2.8 Mb
2.Brown Paper Bag [9:02]11.7 Mb
3.New Forms [7:44]11.6 Mb
4.Let's Get it on [6:56]8.7 Mb
5.Digital [9:04]14.9 Mb
6.Matter of Fact [4:04]6.1 Mb
7.Mad Cat [4:55]7.7 Mb
8.Heroes [6:34]8.8 Mb
9.Share the Fall Full vocal mix [6:12]7.1 Mb
10.Watching Windows [5:32]7.5 Mb
11.Beatbox [1:08]1.3 Mb
12.Morse Code [6:57]10.6 Mb
13.Destination [8:11]10.9 Mb
14.Intro [0:53]1.3 Mb
15.Hi-Potent [6:52]7.7 Mb
16.Trust Me [6:25]7.5 Mb
17.Change My Life [8:26]12.3 Mb
18.Share the Fall [6:25]8.9 Mb
19.Down [6:50]8.6 Mb
20.Jaxx [6:03]7.3 Mb
21.Hot Stuff [6:31]9.5 Mb
22.Ballet Dance [6:40]10.7 Mb
23.Electricks [6:16]8.2 Mb

Roni Size Reprazent "New Forms" Album Review

Changed My Listening
I first borrowed New Forms four years ago with a view to hearing more lush beats driven sounds like displayed in the #8 Heroes track, but without the vocals. On first album listen I didn't get it, the sound, or the form. Left alone for it to settle, on later reflection I realized I had just been taught how to listen to music anew.

Aside from the nice but deceptive sounding #1 Railing (no other track was as conventional) this album struck me after three long borrows, so I now recommend you this double bass jazz step manifesto.

Track wise, I found some parts to be cinematic - # 4 Lets Get It On, #6Matter Of Fact, #7 Mad Cat.
Other times like an epic score - #2 Brown Paper Bag.
I felt it had hype sounding manifesto lyrics like - #1Railing,(`Direct, believe me you ain't heard nothing yet!') #3 New Forms, #8 Heroes.
Into a formulated, and natural sounding blends of jazz step with eerie effects-#5Digital, # Mad Cat.
Killer buildups, and infinite ride through- #12 Morse code, and #13 Destination,
In my opinion very anti-pop, yet deserving of it's hype.
In short a new form.

Of all tunes most notably #6 Matter Of Fact, I found as the plethora point. A python of a song which sounds to me like an invite into the never ending openings of Roni sizes/reprezent Pandora's box. No preparation is enough for this one.

Some people have described Roni's album as a mantra- with its ever-cycling repetition of beats, which can never truly be absorbed by just a few listens. I think Roni Size's/Reprazent New Forms especially disc2 (Roni's own cerebral suite?) has the potential of a lifetime of listens. With the result that the rhythms may get under your skin in such a way that will leave you coming back for more like the track `Mad cat', and `Morse code', do to me ad infinite.
`Change my life' indeed. Leyman

Video roni size - share the fall/grooverider mix(talkin loud 1997)

roni size & reprazent - didn't like the 'new forms' album much - but grooverider's jeep beats mix of 'share the fall' was instant classic for me.


Breakbeat Era - Ultra Obscene
Year: 1999

1.Past Life [5:23]6.3 Mb
2.Rancid [5:06]7.9 Mb
3.Ultra-Obscene [5:02]8.2 Mb
4.Bullitproof [4:32]7 Mb
5.Breakbeat Era [5:22]6 Mb
6.Time 4 Breaks [4:19]6.8 Mb
7.Late Morning [6:10]7.4 Mb
8.Anti-Everything [5:25]9 Mb
9.Animal Machine [3:02]3.9 Mb
10.Our Disease [5:51]6.8 Mb
11.Max [0:48]0.8 Mb
12.Control Freak [5:43]7.9 Mb
13.Terrible Funk [5:38]9.3 Mb
14.Sex Change [3:41]5.2 Mb
15.Life is My Friend [7:58]12.5 Mb

Breakbeat Era "Ultra Obscene" Album Review

quite simply one of the best albums of the 90's in any style, electronic or otherwise. leoni laws is a brilliant singer and writer and roni size and dj die are at the peak of their production mastery here -- the perfect partners. one of the very few EDM albums that succeeds both in song craft and total dancefloor destruction. i consider this a desert island disc -- near perfect in artistry and execution. highest recommendation.

Video Breakbeat Era - Time 4 Breaks (Ultra Obscene 1999)

Step Style


John B - Redox Catalyst Reprocessed
Year: 2000

1.We Like the Music (Latino remix) [6:56]10.4 Mb
2.Gollum vs Poison Arrow [7:39]11.4 Mb
3.Imagine (Deep 12 mix) [7:13]10.8 Mb
4.Let RIP (Hair Alert mix) [7:02]10.2 Mb
5.Simulated Sax (12 remix) [7:14]10.5 Mb
6.Prowler (remix) [7:15]10.2 Mb
7.Double J (Club mix) [6:23]8.6 Mb
8.Bonus mix CD (mix) [36:48]54.1 Mb

John B "Redox Catalyst Reprocessed" Album Review

Album Description
UK dance release, follow-up to 'Catalyst', released in 1999. Tracks include, 'Prowler', 'Imagine' and 'Double J' and more. 7 tracks on disc 1 with 7 remix tracks on the second disc, both packaged in a fabulous double digipak with a 4 page booklet. 2000 release.


DJ Dara - Rinsimus Maximus
Year: 1997

1.Kah [5:28]7.7 Mb
2.Jade [6:16]7.9 Mb
3.Sleepers [7:06]8.9 Mb
4.RNA [6:01]8.4 Mb
5.Discipline [6:17]9.2 Mb
6.Nation [6:17]7.5 Mb
7.Scorpio Rising [6:05]7.9 Mb
8.Night Stepper [6:11]7.6 Mb
9.Stasis [6:25]8.9 Mb

DJ Dara "Rinsimus Maximus" Album Review

Best US DnB album EVER
I know it sounds like an overstatement, but damn, Dara straight up delivered with this album.
The beats have a rough and tumble minimal quality that mix perfectly with the mysteriously soulful edges.
Each song holds it own perfectly, with Kah and Discipline standing out as the strongest of the pack.
This album represents a time and place for DnB in America. Right before the tech step boom, right after the amen jungle craze.
The funk and soul on this album are thick, and I highly suggest it for anyone interested in the history of 1990s DnB.

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